Archives mensuelles: février 2017

4 articles

Meet Ana Pessoa (Portuguese Literature)

Le 16 février 2017 à 18h Book presentation « Mary John » (Portuguese) by Ana Pessoa and Pedro Sena-Lino with a dialogue with the readers about literature for young adults (accompanied by Portuguese specialties and wine) What exactly is literature for young adults? Is it real literature? Is it fake literature? Are […]

Meet Marek Šindelka (Czech Literature)

Le 15 février 2017 à 18h30 Poet and novelist Marek Šindelka (1984) is one of the new upcoming authors in Czech literature. He made his debut with the volume of verse Strychnin (Strychnine) for which he was awarded the Jiří Orten Prize 2006. Then he published his first novel Chyba […]

Il Manifesto di Ventotene / EL Manifiesto de Ventotene

Le 9 février 2017 à 18h30 Il Manifesto di Ventotene « Per un’Europa libera e unita » fu scritto da Altiero Spinelli, Ernesto Rossi e Eugenio Colorni durante la loro detenzione nel carcere isolano. E’ considerato il testo fondante del federalismo europeo. Presentazione con gli eurodeputati Brando Benifei e Jonás Fernández e […]