Archives mensuelles: octobre 2017

7 articles

Reading wine: Amazing wines from the Basque mountains (English and Spanish)

Le 18 octobre 2017 à 18h30 Workshop in English and Spanish with Alfonso Escubos. Introduction about wine-making and wineries in the Basque mountains and tasting of the following wines:1) Espumoso Txakolí Sancti Victoris Brut Nature Gran Reserva2) Xiribil 2016 (DO Arabako Txakolina)3) Beldui 2016 (DO Arabako Txakolina)4) Gorrebusto Blanco fermentado […]

Apero Chronicles with the Eutopianists

Le 4 octobre 2017 à 18h30 When you live in a Babel city where all languages and cultures merge into a weird mix of freedom and traditions, you question your sense of belonging and the creation of imaginary future worlds. This Babel place becomes the perfect background for authors’ inspiration […]