
138 posts

Sat 30.11.19 15:00

Saturday literary spread n#3 – Paper crafting with Fabio Dose (8+)

Kids, parents, grand-parents, friends… Be welcome to the third Saturday literary spread, our November series of children’s literature events. For this third and last literary spread of November, children from 8yo will enjoy a creative workshop with the fantastic Fabio Dose. They will discover techniques of crafting paper, which adults […]

Thu 28.11.19 19:00

Acustimantico live: an acoustic and poetic journey

Acustimantico is an Italian music band who writes and plays original songs mixing diverse expressive styles. As a result their musical poetry encompasses songwriting, ethnic music, pop and jazz. Entrance fee (10 euros) includes one drink. You can listen to Acustimantico here:

Sat 16.11.19 15:00

Saturday literary spread n#1 – Let’s be curious ! with Tutti Frutti (4+)

Librebook welcomes Tutti Frutti, language school for children, to present its children’s books. It’s an opportunity to discuss the theme of multilingualism in a relaxed, friendly and multilingual setting. Children, parents, grandparents, godfathers, godmothers… everyone is welcome! A Fruity Fable : Before leaving for Italy, Mariposa (a little winged character) meets a […]

Sat 05.10.19 12:00

Print, Panels and Pints — European Lab Extra x KANO Festival

KANO* is hosting a mini-festival in the spirit of European Lab Brussels 2019, bringing you the best Europe has to offer: European literature, print magazines, panels and pints. Librebook will be there with a selection of contemporary literature, EUPL winners, and great essays in different languages. Get ready for a […]

Wed 02.10.19 18:30

11th edition of the European Union Prize for Literature (EUPL)

This event will take place at BOZAR. The European Union Prize for Literature (EUPL) is a reward given each year to a novel for its representativity of the diversity of creation among your European writers. The awards ceremony will be held in the presence of Laura Freudenthaler (Austria), Piia Leino […]

Tue 24.09.19 19:00

Pietro Bartolo – Le Stelle di Lampedusa, with Damien Carême

A simultaneous translation in French will be provided. Reservation is required. Librebook is honoured to host Pietro Bartolo, Italian doctor and politician, member of the European Parliament since 2019. As the responsible medician for first visits to migrants who land in Lampedusa, he has examined and cared for about 250,000 […]

Sun 22.09.19 11:00

Librebook by bike !

It’s Sunday Without Cars and Librebook opens its doors all day long. Expect food for your ears, your mind and your belly…

Thu 20.06.19 19:00

Cuando el amor no tenía nombre: Homosexual love in early XX

[English version below] Presentación del libro “Cuando el amor no tenía nombre” con el autor, Jan J. Martí    Evento en castellano   Sobre el autor Jan J. Martí (Ceutí, Región de Murcia, 1972) ha lanzado su primera obra en papel tras casi dos décadas escribiendo en internet. Es dinamizador […]

Sat 08.06.19 16:00

Bulgarian Book Festival: Tea for five, with young Bulgarian writers

Librebook – Bruxelles & Association Culturelle Bulgare en Belgique Българска културна асоциация invite you to the first Bulgarian book festival in Brussels on Friday the 7th and Saturday the 8th of June! On 8th June, on tea time, a special talk with five Bulgarian authors: Emil Andreev, Hristo Karastoyanov, Irina […]

Fri 07.06.19 18:30

Bulgarian Book Festival: Zdravka Evtimova’s unusual world (FR & EN)

Librebook – Bruxelles & the Association Culturelle Bulgare en Belgique Българска културна асоциация invite you to the first Bulgarian book festival in Brussels on Friday the 7th and Saturday the 8th of June! On June 7th, enter the unusual, funny and fantastic world of Zdravka Evtimova, one of the best […]

Fri 31.05.19 19:30

Multilingual sarau n°9 with Inêz Oludé Da Silva

Librebook’s saraus are music & poetic nights where you are the hero. After hearing the poems of our guests, it is your turn to step up and share, in any given language, your creations or coups de coeur. All while the live music is playing. Bbelgo-Brazilian activist Inêz Oludé, painter […]

Wed 29.05.19 19:00

A taste of Slovakia: dégustation de vins & littérature

Enjoy a taste of Slovakian wines and literature with reading of recently translated works in English and French and guided wine tasting. Free entrance, wine tasting is optional (fee: 15 euros for 6 wines)   Facebook:  

Sat 25.05.19 11:00

Creative breakfast (FR, EN, IT) from 12 to 112 yo

Réalisation et décoration d’objets en papier: cartes anniversaire, enveloppes avec pliage origami, livres origami, mini-cahiers, signets… pour apprendre à plier, décorer et à manipuler le papier et pour développer la créativité et l’imagination.   PAF: 10 euros (avec café et croissant)   Facebook :

Thu 23.05.19 19:00

Bringing Balkans closer: Istrosbooks’ experience

It’s now a long-term relations that unites Librebook and Istros Books. Since the very beginning of our experience, the English publisher’s books have been on the show to bring Balkan literature closer to us. At Istros, they believe that good literature can transcend national interests and speak to us with […]

Mon 20.05.19 19:00

What we talk about when we talk about Europe

A public talk about literature and politics, organised in cooperation with Athenian publisher Free Thinking Zone. European author Amanda Michalopoulou will talk with candidates to the EP about what makes us Europeans through literature and culture and standing for European Values in the age of neo-nationalism and about what values […]

Wed 15.05.19 19:00

Stare in Europa: conversazione con Riccardo Perissich

Tanti in Europa pensano che Russia, Cina e altre autocrazie hanno il vento in poppa, che l’America si è messa su questa strada e che, come aveva intuito Obama, resta solo l’Europa per salvare l’ordine multilaterale e la democrazia liberale. Purtroppo il sogno europeo dipendeva da Angela Merkel e Emmanuel […]

Thu 09.05.19 12:00

Journée de l’Europe 2019

Europe Day held on 9 May every year celebrates peace and unity in Europe. The date marks the anniversary of the historical ‘Schuman declaration‘. At a speech in Paris in 1950, Robert Schuman, the then French foreign minister, set out his idea for a new form of political cooperation in […]